Friday, November 15, 2019

Marie Forleo says these are the only 3 questions you need to ask

Marie Forleo says these are the only 3 questions you need to ask Marie Forleo says these are the only 3 questions you need to ask One often wonders how one becomes a life and business coach and expert. It is such a lofty title. But for Marie Forleo, labeled by Oprah  as “the thought leader for the next generation,” the title is well earned. Forleo built her now business empire which includes best-selling books, her entrepreneurship class B-School, award-winning weekly show  MarieTV and her website,, has more than 300,000 readers from all over the  world, from absolute scratch.She was working two jobs and struggling to make ends meet when she started working on her online B-School class which  became one of Inc.’s 500 fastest growing companies of 2014 after launching in 2010. She has been interviewed by Oprah and Tony Robbins and has also mentored young business owners at Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship in South Africa. She also celebrated the  fourth birthday of MarieTV, by raising $63,138 to build six wells in Ethiopia with  Charity Water. Her organization has also  pa rtnered with organizations like Virgin Unite, The Compassion Collective, Kiva, and Samasource. In other words, she has her stuff together.So what are her thoughts for helping you figure out what your life’s work should be? After all, her 8-week B-School (which costs $2,000) is designed to help people not only create a successful business they love but a life they love as well.At the SheKnows Media #BlogHer18 Creators Summit  Forleo told Ladders you really only need to ask yourself three questions to figure out your purpose.“What makes you come alive?’Forleo says this is the first thing you should ask yourself. “Everyone has that sense when they are either involved in doing certain things or doing something with people and they just feel like they can do it. ”“What pisses you off?”This is a different frame than the first question but you need to ask yourself this. “What makes you go ‘Why is this like this?’ There is some type of emotion that gets triggered,” she said.“What scares the sh-t out of you?”Forleo told Ladders,   “Is there some career or activity like writing, music, starting a company, whatever it is, that the notion of doing it makes you frightened?” If you can find that, you know it is something worth pursuing. That fear is really a sense of intuition.Forleo said in a previous interview, “One practice I have when looking at a situation is to ask myself, ‘Should I move ahead?’ If everything in me starts to feel contracted, if I feel my shoulders coming down, if there’s just an internal “no,” I can feel that that’s not what I should do.“On the other hand, if there’s a sense of expansion, even if it’s subtle, if something in me says, ‘Oh my goodness, this would be great - I’m scared, I don’t know if I can do it, but it would be amazing,’ then I know my intuition is telling me ‘yes.’ There’s always fear. But if you’re silent enough and still enough to listen to your intuition, you’ll always go in the right  direction.”

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